online advertising techniquesyour website is going to be your  main engine  for marketing, so you

online advertising techniques
your website is going to be your  main engine  for marketing, so you have to consider many things.
the most important aspect is probably its seo ranking. seo, which stands for  search engine  optimization, is a whole science on its own but here are a few  tips  to help get you started.
good seo means to be easily  searchable  through  sites like google and yahoo and such, so if you have a high pagerank, you will be more likely to be listed  favorably,  so when someone searches for “graphic t-shirts shop” or something like that, it is more [probable] that someone will click on your store’s link. […]

some people were reading the text about online advertising too, but didn’t finish. fill in the blanks with either the  simple past  or the  past continuous  of the verbs in parentheses.

a)     the article when the phone  (read / ring)

b) my         the article when the power   . (finish / go off)

c) lucy    a new paragraph when her mom  (start / call)

d) rose and tom    notes when tina  (make / arrive)
e) ronald    to read when he    coffee on the table. (begin / spill)

1 Resposta

  • Rafaela

    a) was reading/rang

    b)was/ finishing/ went off

    c)was starting/ called

    d)were making/arrived

    e)was begging/spilled

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