Oprincipal objetivo do autor ao escrever esse texto, foi estimular as pessoas a não se concentrarem

apenas em seus próprios problemas, mas a se preocuparem com os outros também.

leia o texto com atenção e responda a questão proposta.

think about it!

we all have experienced moments of discouragement, when everything seems to go wrong and our self-esteem gets really low. i’m still young, i haven’t reached eighteen yet, but i have often felt that way. i have already asked “why me? ”, a terrible expression of impatience, dissatisfaction, immaturity of thought and ingratitude for the good things in life. reflecting on the best way to fight those feelings of discouragement i’ve just prepared some questions and i’d like to share them with you.

have you ever had a bad day at home, after a fight with your mother or your father over a silly thing?
the next time that happens, remember the homeless boy or girl who has no family to live or fight with.

have you ever had a bad day at school?
before you start complaining about your teachers or classmates, think of the boys and girls who have been out of school because they have to work to help their family.

have you and your partner stopped loving each other?
think of the person who has never known what it’s like to love and be loved in return.

has your family’s old car stopped working again, leaving you miles away from assistance?
think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk.

have you just looked in the mirror and noticed your hair is getting dry?
think of the cancer patient in chemotherapy who has no hair to examine.

have you ever been the victim of other people’s bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities?
instead of asking “why me? ”, remember things could be worse - you could be them.

unless we stop buildings fences and start building bridges, we will never really get to the full meaning of life. instead of asking “why me? ”, we should be asking “what about us? ”

(coleção ftd sistema de ensino - inglês, 9º ano, 2010)

ao fazer para o leitor algumas perguntas e propostas de reflexões, o autor aponta dois tipos de problemas: os que considera menos graves (mas que, ainda assim, aborrecem muitos jovens) e os mais graves (que muitas vezes são esquecidos pelos que não enfrentam esses problemas).

de acordo com o autor, assinale a alternativa considerada um problema grave:

( ) ser vítima da amargura e da ignorância dos outros.

( ) ser amargo, ignorante e fazer outras pessoas sofrerem.

( )ter um lar e família.

( ) ter um mau dia na escola.

( ) observar o ressecamento do cabelo.

1 Resposta

  • tokioruiva

    ser amargo, ignorante e fazer outras pessoas sofrerem

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