Otexto faz referência aos motivos de atrasos envolvendo pesquisas científicas na região. tais informações

estão contidas nos seguintes trechos: (01) "more than a thousand new species which have been discovered along the banks of the mekong river in south east asia within the last ten years.” (l. 2-5). (02) "the conservationists are describing the largely unexplored jungles and wetlands in the mekong delta as a biological treasure find.” (l. 6-8). (04) "between 1997 and 2007, scientists found an average of two previously undiscovered species every week.” (l. 11-12). (08) "so the people who live there were very aware of this creature, but science came to it very late.” (l. 17-18). (16) "they remained unknown in the outside world for so long because political conflicts in the region kept scientists away until the 1990s.” (l. 18-19). (32) "the main challenge facing the area is how to allow economic development while still maintaining environmental protection.” (l. 20-21).

Otexto faz referência aos motivos de atrasos envolvendo pesquisas científicas na região. tais inform


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