Passe as frases para as formas negativas e afirmativa na numero 4 na numero 5 passe as frases para a

Passe as frases para as formas negativas e afirmativa na numero 4
na numero 5 passe as frases para a forma afirmativa

Passe as frases para as formas negativas e afirmativa na numero 4 na numero 5 passe as frases

1 Resposta

  • marinatagomori

    4. a) She will not paint her car. | Will she paint her car?

    b) They will not sleep this morning. | Will they sleep this morning?

    c) You will not speak with my boss | Will you speak with my boss?

    d) Next November, I will not have my promotion. | Will I have my promotion next November?

    e) She will not resolve your problem. | Will she resolve your problem?

    f) You will not study at the library tonight. | WIll you study at the library tonight?

    g) They will not finish the project. | WIll they finish the project?

    5. Copie as frases retirando o "not" de todas, assim ficarão positivas.

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