Passe as frases para negativa e interrogativa e complete com has ou have a) mr. oliveira * two sons and a

Passe as frases para negativa e interrogativa e complete com has ou have

a) mr. oliveira * two sons and a beautiful daughter

b) we * a very good english teatcher at out school

c) roberto * a new bicycle and little cat

d) when it is hot, they * frozen wather or limonade to drink

e) it's seze o'clock, we * to go to home now
(talvez eu tenha escrito meio errado aqui)

f) our friends relatives * some woock to do today

g) we * good places to play, and to study at our school

1 Resposta

  • Julliagatinhappank

    A) Mr. Oliveira has two sons and a beautiful daughter

         Does Mr. Oliveiras have two sons and a beautiful daughter


        Mr. Oliveira doesn't have two sons and a beautiful daughter;

    B) we have a very good English teatcher at our school

        Do we have a very good English teatcher at our school


       We don't have a very good English teatcher at our school.

    C) Roberto has a new bicycle and little cat

         Does Roberto have a new bicycle and little cat


        Roberto doesn't have a new bicycle and little cat

    D) When it is hot, they have frozen water or limonade to drink

        Do they  have frozen water or limonade to drink when it´s hot?

        They don't have frozen water or limonade to drink when it´s hot.  


    E) It's seze o'clock. We have to go home now

    .  (SEZE???)

       It´s SEZE o'clock. Do we have to go home now?

       It´s SEZE o'clock. We don't have to go home now.

    F) Our friends' relatives have some work to do today


       Do our friends' relatives have some work to do today?

       Our friends' relatives don't have any work to do today.

    G) We have good places to play and to study at our school.

        Do we have good places to play and to study at our school.?

        We don't have good places to play and to study at our school.


    Auxiliares do / does são usados com a maioria dos verbos em inglês, para fazer a interrogativa e a negativa.

    Interrogativa com auxiliar DO / DOES

    Do usado com I - we - you - they

    Does usado com He - she - it

    Do / Does + sujeito + verbo original + complemento

         Do           you           work                 tomorrow?

         Does        she           go                     to school?

    Negativa com auxiliar DO / DOES (Don't - Doesn't)

    acrescenta NOT após o auxiliar

    She doesn't work tomorrow.

    John doesn't go to work.

    I don't have a bike.

    Verbo ''ter'' - TO HAVE

    HAS - usado com He - she - it

    Have - usado com I - you - we - they

    She has a bike.

    I have a bike

    John has two sisters.

    My friends have a new house.

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