Personal convo i was riding on the elevator in our hotel while i was on vacation with my family. this guy

Personal convo

i was riding on the elevator in our hotel while i was on vacation with my family. this guy got on and started talking to me , but he wasn't facing me . he asked how i was doing ,and, i said,''fine''.then he asked what i was up to , and i replied, ''nothing.'' then he turned toward me and rudely said,''do you mind? i'm on the phone'' i blushed bright red and couldn't wait to get out of that elevador!

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1 Resposta

  • Paulricar

    Eu estava andando no elevador do nosso hotel enquanto eu estava de férias com a minha família. Esse rapaz entrou e começou a conversar comigo, mas ele não estava face a face comigo. Ele perguntou como eu estava indo, e, eu disse, "bem". Então ele perguntou o que eu iria fazer, e eu respondi, "nada." Então ele virou para mim e rudemente falou "com licença? Eu estou no telefone" eu fiquei super vermelha e mal podia esperar pra sair daquele elevador!

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