word from the box with its meaning.       Vocabulary box   Slum/ chore  / expenseves /Feeling /Job/ shop /  dishes /Shortage   a)  is a lack of something you need or want. b)  is plates, pans, etc, that have to be washed after preparing and serving the meal. c)  is a work that you do regularly to earn money. d)  is a place where you buy things. e)  is a poor area of a town where the houses are in very bad condition. f)    is a emotional state. g)  is an ordinary job that must be done all day, at home. h)  is a money you spend as part of your job that your employer later gives back to you. 3-         Read the text below:
An opinion from Kenya    
Maria has lived all her life in Kiberia, a slum in Nairobi, Kenya. She has all the usual household chores to perform but still manages to go to school. Her ambition is to stay there, and eventually to work with computers.   ‘Sometimes parents don’t seem interested in their daughters being at school, so they don’t pay much attention to what we do. They say girls are not the same as boys. Girls get married and don’t contribute to the family income. Boys get work and help provide for the family. We know that nowadays many girls do help with family expenses, but the feeling is still there amongst parents that a girl’s education is less important.   ‘I think education for girls is important because without a school certificate there’s no job at all. But often it is harder for girls as they don’t have time for revision. A girl is always being sent for water, sent to the shop, sent to wash dishes, sent here and there, while a boy sits revising. Girls can’t even do their homework. When we try, we are disturbed. You know there is a shortage of water in Kiberia. Girls are sent to find it, however far they have to go. Boys never willingly collect water.’     Read the text again and pay attention in these forms: _ Parents don’t seem interested in their daughters being at school. _ They don’t pay much attention to what we do.   Obs.: Estes verbos destacados estão no presente, em inglês são chamados de Simple Present. Você pode então concluir que na negativa do Simple Present, a forma básica do verbo é precedida de do not ( ou don't, forma contraída ) para todas as pessoas, com exceção da 3ª pessoa do singular ( he, she, it ) em que deve ser usado does not ( ou doesn't, forma contraída). (MARQUES, 1999, p. 20)   •  Usamos o presente simples para falar sobre coisas gerais. não estamos pensando apenas sobre o presente. Usamos para dizer que algo acontece o tempo todo ou repetidamente, ou que algo é verdade em geral. Não é importante se a ação está acontecendo na hora de falar. (MURPHY, 1985, p. 4)   Exemplos: a terra gira em torno do sol. /As enfermeiras cuidam de pacientes nos hospitais. (The earth goes round the sun. /Nurses look after patients in hospitals.)   •  We use the present simple when we say how often we do things:   Example: I get up at 8 o'clock every morning. ( eu levanto as 8 horas todas as manhãs.)   Responda: 1)            Porque você acha que o autor utilizou o Presente Simples no texto? Qual a função deste tempo verbal no texto?2)            Localize mais algumas frases semelhantes no texto para confirmar a sua idéia.4) Read the sentences below and tell if they are correct or incorrect: 01)  Paul doesn't watch TV from 9.30 to 11.30 every evening. ( ) Correct ( ) Incorrect   02)  My aunt and uncle doesn't like fast food. ( ) Correct ( ) Incorrect   03)  Does Sarah like sushi? ( ) Correct ( ) Incorrect   04)  Richard doesn't works at a hotel. ( ) Correct ( ) Incorrect   05)  My students don't do their exercises every day. ( ) Correct ( ) Incorrect   06)  The new police officer doesn't goes playing futebol in the morning. ( ) Correct ( ) Incorrect   07)  Do your sisters likes their new dog? ( ) Correct ( ) Incorrect   08)  Matt has a drink after work every Friday. ( ) Correct ( ) Incorrect   09)  Martha exercises every morning? ( ) Correct ( ) Incorrect  

1 Resposta

  • Isabillypyc

    desculpa mais eu não consigo responder tudo isso

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