Quais são os verbos deste texto wolvessome people say there are two wolves inside each of us. there is a

constant battle between those two wolves. and you decide thewinner. tsali, an old chief of the cherokees (a tribe of north american indians that live in the southwest of the unitedstates), often walks along the stream near the village with his grandson. they do that almost every day. theold manknows a lot of stories full of adventure or wisdom and the boy loves to listen to them. this morning tsali decides to tell the boy about a battle that sometimes happens inside himself. the old mansays, “this battle is between two wolves. one is evil: cruelty, hate, anger, envy, despair, greed, arrogance, guilt, lies, resentment, inferiority, superiority, and ego.”the old indian stops for a moment and then says, “the other is good: joy, peace, love, hope, empathy, friendship, serenity, humility, kindness, generosity, truth, compassion, and ”the boy is filled with curiosity. he looks at his grandfather and asks, “what happens then? which wolf wins? ”tsali just smiles and answers, “the one i feed.”

1 Resposta

  • Clara

    Are, is ,in,a e também acho que anda é.

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