Qual alternativa é a correta: 1- The big chair is the cheapest chair in the shop. It is expensive chair

a) the most
b) the less
c) the least

2 - thing in my wardrobe is my jacket:
a) the more
b) the most expensive
c) more expensive

3 - I think English is Latin
a) more interesting than
b) the most interesting
c) Interestinger than

4- Your eyes are his
a) more blue than
b) bluer than
c) blue than

5- football team in Europe is Real Madrid
a) The more successful
b) the most successful
c) more successful than

1 Resposta

  • Fernandaa

    Qual alternativa é a correta:

    1- The big chair is the cheapest chair in the shop. It is _the least expensive chair

    a) the most

    b) the less

    c) the least

    2 - The most expensive thing in my wardrobe is my jacket:

    a) the more

    b) the most expensive

    c) more expensive

    3 - I think English is more interesting than Latin

    a) more interesting than

    b) the most interesting

    c) Interestinger than

    4- Your eyes are bluer than  his

    a) more blue than

    b) bluer than

    c) blue than

    5- the most successful football team in Europe is Real Madrid

    a) The more successful

    b) the most successful

    c) more successful than


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