Quem responder eu sigo no insta Avaliação1) You are at a museum. Which rule or instruction would NOT be

Quem responder eu sigo no insta Avaliação

1) You are at a museum. Which rule or instruction would NOT be found there? (Assinale a regra que você não encontraria no museu.)

(A) Don’t touch the art.

(B) Eat and drink inside the museum.

(C) Don’t smoke inside the museum.

(D) Don’t talk on the phone.

2) Observe a imagem abaixo. Foi utilizado qual modo verbal?

(A) Simple Past

(B) Future

(C) Imperative

(D) Simple Present

3) Leia o texto abaixo


Gardening is a great hobby to start doing no matter what age you are; it is not just for parents or older people, anyone can start a garden! Having a garden will improve your responsibility as it improves your health! Why not feel accomplished in eating a fresh tomato you grew in your very own garden? Save money, eat better, and learn some valuable skills that you can use the rest of your life!

Sabendo-se que o imperativo é usado, entre outros fins, para dar ordens, fazer pedidos ou aconselhar alguém, assinale a alternativa em que todos os verbos estejam nesse modo.

(A)  Gardening is a great hobby to start doing no matter what age you are.

(B)  Save money, eat better, and learn some valuable skills.

(C) Having a garden will improve your responsibility as it improves your health!

(D)  [...]it is not just for parents or older people, anyone can start a garden!

4) Observe o cartaz e responda: No cartaz Protect our mother Earth., utilizou-se o imperativo. Assinale a frase abaixo em que o imperativo também foi utilizado.

(A) Water is life.

(B) Don’t waste water.

(C) We don’t pollute the air.

(D) Are you taking care of Nature?

5) Em Protect our mother Earth., utilizou-se o imperativo pela mesma razão que em uma das frases abaixo. Assinale-a.

(A) Drink water every day.

(B) Read the poster again.

(C) Save the planet.

(D) Be quiet!

Quem responder eu sigo no insta Avaliação1) You are at a museum. Which rule or instruction would

1 Resposta

  • thayaraoliversantos

    1 letra b
    2 que imagem
    3 letra b
    4 letra b
    5 letra c

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