Questão 4 -Complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses. Aplique o Present Perfect Continuous. a)

Questão 4 -Complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses. Aplique o Present Perfect Continuous.
a) Those patients (wait) for a very long time.
b) Priscilla (try) to ride a motorcycle for more than a week.
c) Robert (neg. – play) any sports lately.
d) The children (study) for a test all the afternoon.

Questão 5 - Preencha as lacunas com os seguintes verbos nas formas propostas:
watching, teaching, writing, eating, exercising.
a) My aunt has been………………………………………… in that school for several days.
b) Have you been……………………………………………… every day? You look so fit!
c) Paul has been………………………………………………….. too much TV. It isn’t good for him.
d) I haven’t been any letters, I prefer sending e-mails.
e) Have you been more vegetables? They have vitamins and fibers and are really good for you.
Questão 6- Escreva as frases no present perfect continuous :
a) (They / study / English)

b) (He / eat / French fries)

c) (Their family / go / to Italy)

d) (I / read / that book)

e)(They / live / here for five weeks)
Questão 7 Reescreva as seguintes frases no present perfect.
a) We travel to Paris.

b) Michel cry a lot.
……………………………………………………………………………………… .
c) You dance ballet.
……………………………………………………………………………………. .
Questão – 8 -.Escolha a alternativa que completa as lacunas adequadamente.
“Mary in that office since last year. She in that new clothes store.”
a) hasn’t worked – has been working;
b) has been working – worked;
c) has worked – didn’t work;
d) was working – will work;
e) hasn’t been working – don’t work


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