Questão 1 Read the passage below and answer the question: h

ow does the text Justify its statement that supporting Indigenous people should not mean to defend the idea that their cultures are kept without change forever? Who are they? (...) Indigenous cultures are not static. Like all cultures, they change with time, whether affected by outside influence or not. Because of that, those who intend to be a "friend" of the Indians do not have necessarily to defend that they are kept like they are now". On the other hand, it is undeniable that some of the changes brought about by contact with our society may cause concern. Such is the case, for example, of those peoples who have lost their maternal language and today speak only Portuguese. Our role, as allies of the Indians, must be to make sure that they have social, economic and political conditions to absorb the novelties that come along with contact in the way they deem most convenient. [...] Ethnic identity, that is, the consciousness of belonging to a given people, is the result of a complex interplay between "traditional" and "new", the "own" and the "outsider's", that takes place each time different populations have contact. That must be taken into account before making a statement such as "he is no longer an Indian” because he wears clothes, goes to mass, watches TV, works with computers, plays football, drives a car.​


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