Read the aräcle on page 82 again. idenacle on page 82 again. then answer the questions below.ected in people

Read the aräcle on page 82 again. iden
acle on page 82 again. then answer the questions below.
ected in people in the u. s. in june 2009.
2.1 woen was the hini fiu first detected in people in the u. s.?
2 ( the fini fu was first detected in people in the u. s.
d c the ein flu was first detected in people in the
si detected in people in the u. s. in adi 2007
2.2 how does this virus usually spread?
a ) it spreads persod-to-person worldwide
( ) it spreads pig-to-person
2.3 what do you understand by pandemic?
a ) it is a disease that affects almost everyone in a very large area.
b( ) it is a disease that is present among people living in a particular location.​


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