Read the four paragraphs. Number them in the correct order. ( ) Everyone was feeling very tired when

we arrived at the house. I helped my mum and dad unpack the car and the van. The house was bigger than I expected and it took us a long time to move everything inside. It was hard work and we were all feeling very relieved when we finally finished moving everything into the house.

( ) While I was brushing my teeth the next morning the doorbell rang. My mum answered the door and called me to come downstairs. At the door was a boy from the house next door. He said he was also new in the city and had not made any friends. He asked me if I wanted to go to the park with him. I was happy that I was able to make a new friend so quickly. When we were playing in the park I felt much happier than I had when I first arrived at my new house.

( ) When I was ten years old my family moved to a new city. I was very sad to leave my old city because all of my friends lived there. My dad and his friend loaded all of our furniture into a big van and the rest of our bags and suitcases were put in our car. It took four hours to drive to our new home. I felt very unhappy when my dad was driving us to the new house.

( ) I couldn’t stop crying when I was lying in bed that night. It felt very strange to be alone in my bedroom in this new house and new city. I tried to read my favourite book to help me sleep but it was no good. I was awake all night thinking about what my friends in my old city were doing and if they already missed me. Leitura Avançada
(1.5 Pontos)
2 / 4 / 1 / 3
1 / 4 / 2 / 3
2 / 3 / 1 / 4
3 / 2 / 4 / 1


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