Read the text about mark and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis:

up) every day at 6am. ) a shower ) breakfast. then, ) his teeth ) home at 7am. when ) to school, ) his friends and ) a little before ) to class. his first ) at 7: 30am. at 10 o'clock ) a break, so ) a snack. he ) fruits to school because ) to be healthy. when ) a child, know) the importance of eating healthy food. he ) junk food ) soda. now ) good care of his body, so ) sports eat) junk food anymore.

1 Resposta

  • Ivansouza

    Wakes up, takes, has, brushes, leaves, gets, meets, talk, go, starts, has, eats, drinks, takes, plays, doesn't eat.

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