-Read the text and complete the verbs in Simple Past e responda as questões:Use a Lista dos Irregulars ou

acrescente “ED” nos Regulars. TRACY´S DAY Tracy(start)her day at 6:30 yesterday. She(have)breakfast with all her Family her parents and three siblings. Each member(fix)his/her own breakfast, except Melinda of course. Tracy (eat) toast and a bowl of cereal and she (drink)a glass of Orange juice. After the breakfast she (make) her bed and (tidy up) her room. Tracy and her siblings (catch) the bus at 7:30.She(start)the lessons and middday (have ) lunch. Her lessons (finish) at 3:00 o´clock. They(have) a concert after classes. They (love)music. Then they(go) home and (take) a shower and (fall)asleep on the sofa. URGENTE ME AJUDEM É PRAS 14 00 HORAS

1 Resposta

  • FerSilva

    Started/ had/ fixed/ate/ drank/ tidied up/ caught/ started/ had/ finished/loved/ went/took/ fell

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