Read this article about christmas in the u. s. and choose the word that best completes each gap. me

Read this article about christmas in the u. s. and choose the word that best completes each gap.

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Read this article about christmas in the u.s. and choose the word that best completes each gap.
Read this article about christmas in the u.s. and choose the word that best completes each gap.
Read this article about christmas in the u.s. and choose the word that best completes each gap.
Read this article about christmas in the u.s. and choose the word that best completes each gap.

1 Resposta

  • Pattiniantonia

    1. c

    2. b

    3. b

    4. a

    5. c

    6. c

    7. a

    8. c

    1. I wouldn't be thinking of leaving the money on the table and walking out if I hadn't been waiting for the cheque for so long.

    2. I think this money could come in handy if you ever have an emergency.

    3. I only ever buy cars, regardless of model, if they get my brother's approval.  

    4. I only buy things if I can get a discount.

    5. If I had any money, I'd buy this dress.

    6. I'm only taking you to the mall if you don't ask me to buy any toys.

    1. shopping

    2. billed

    3. backorder

    4. shop

    5. shop - goods

    6. shopping - bargains - budget

    7. shop - rip off

    8. cheap - bill

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