Reescreva esse texto na terceira pessoa do singular (em ingles) how are you doing? my routine is difficult

Reescreva esse texto na terceira pessoa do singular (em ingles)

how are you doing? my routine is difficult at the new school. i get up early, around 6: 00 then and i take breakfast and brush my teeth
i go to school by car and i study until 1: 00
i help my mother with the housework. after that, i do my homework
i take a shower and my parents and i go to bed

traduçao do texto

como vai você? minha rotina é difícil na nova escola. eu me levanto cedo, por volta das 6: 00, e tomo o café da manhã e escovo os dentes
eu vou para a escola de carro e eu estudo até 1: 00
eu ajudo minha mãe com o trabalho doméstico. depois disso, eu faço minha lição de casa
eu tomo um banho e meus pais e eu vou para a cama

1 Resposta

  • Pattiniantonia

    How He's doing? His routine is difficult at the new School. He get up early, around 6:00Am then he takes the breakfast and brush his teeths. He goes to school by car and studies until 1:00Pm. He helps his mother with house work. After that, he do his homework. He took a shower and after that he and his parents go to bed.

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