Resolver a atividade. Se possível, responda somente se souber as respostas. Dou bastante pontos porque

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Resolver a atividade. Se possível, responda somente se souber as respostas. Dou bastante pontos por

1 Resposta

  • thayaraoliversantos

    1. Mona is the prettiest girl in our class.

    2. Paul is taller than Nick.

    3. I think Andrew is the cleverest boy in my class.

    4. This street is the longest in our city.

    5. That task was the most difficult in the test yesterday.

    6. Sam draws the best pictures of the animals.

    7. These books are more expensive than those books.

    8. This information about the elephants is the most interesting.

    9. Tina’s letter is the tiniest letter in the class.

    10. This airplane is more modern than that one.

    11. This building is higher than that one.

    12. I know my drawings the worst in my class.

    13. Tom’s hair is darker than mine.

    14. Bob and Bill are the best friends.

    15. Physics is the most difficult subject for me.

    16. This hotel is cheaper than that one.

    17. My hair is the curliest hair in my family.

    18. Tim’s bag is heavier than Ben’s bag.

    19. They were the kindest people I’ve ever known.

    20. It is the best chance to learn surfing.

    21. My brother is the slowest person I’ve ever known.

    22. He is the greatest football player.

    23. I am the happiest person because I’ve passed my exams.

    24. Liz is the laziest girl in our group.

    25. He is the braviest man we’ve ever seen.

    26. Our house is the biggest house in the street.

    27. I think we are the noisiest students at our school.

    28. We need a longer ladder than this one.

    29. I’m sure Angela is the fastest girl at school.

    30. He is the most unpleasant man I’ve ever met.

    31. This river was more dangerous than we thought.

    32. She is more nervous today than she was yesterday.

    33. Liz is younger than Mary.

    34. It is the coldest day of the year.

    35. My skirt is shorter than yours.

    36. This car is the largest one.

    37. The trip to London was the most interesting.

    38. My answer was the quickest in this competition.

    39. You can find it in the nearest shop.

    40. It is the widest river in our district.


    Existem duas formas de adjetivos em inglês: forma comparativa (mais velha, mais bonita) e forma superlativa (a mais velha, a mais bonita). Quando os adjetivos são curtos você coloca er/est e quando são longos, mais/o mais. O mesmo acontece com os advérbios, que também possuem duas formas: forma comparativa (mais rápido/mais gentilmente) e forma superlativa (o mais rápido, o mais gentilmente).

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