Responda pfv!! 1) He the boxes with his brother. a- would carrys b- would carry c- would carried d-

Responda pfv!! 1) He the boxes with his brother.
a- would carrys
b- would carry
c- would carried
d- would carring
2)They bananas at night.
a- wouldn’t eats
b- wouldn’t ate
c- wouldn’t eat
d- wouldn’t eating
3) I down here.
a- would sat
b- would sit
c- would sits
d- would sited
4) We the boxes.
a- would buys
b- would buies
c- would buyied
d- would buy
5) she French ?
a- Would / teached
b- Would / teaching
c- Would / teach
d- Would / taught
6) You here.
a- would slept
b- would sleeping
c- would sleeps
d- would slleeped

1 Resposta

  • Ivansouza

    1) a - would carry
    2) c - wouldn’t eat
    3) b - would sit
    4) d - would buy
    5) c - would/teach
    6) a - would slept

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