Respondem pfvr 1- A alternativa correta de verbo to be na forma afirmativa de Simple Present * a) I am

Respondem pfvr 1- A alternativa correta de verbo to be na forma afirmativa de Simple Present *
a) I am a student
b) You are not a student
c) He is not a student
d) I am not a student

2- A alternativa correta de verbo to be na forma negativa de Simple Present. *
a) I am not a student
b) You are a student
c) He is a student
d) Am I a student

3- A alternativa correta de verbo to be na forma interrogativa de Simple Present *
a) Am I a student
b) You are a student
c) He is a student
d) I am not a student

4- A alternativa correta de verbo to be na forma afirmativa de Simple Past *
a) I was at home yesterday
b) Were you at school two days ago
c) Was he at school last Monday
d) We were not at school on Sunday

5- A alternativa correta de verbo to be na forma negativa de Simple Past *
a) I was at home yesterday
b) You were at school two days ago
c) Was he at school last Monday
d) We were not at school on Sunday

6- A alternativa correta de verbo to be na forma interrogativa de Simple Past *
a) I was at home yesterday
b) You were at school two days ago
c) Was he at school last Monday
d) We were not at school on Sunday

7- A alternativa correta na forma afirmativa de Present Continuous *
a) I am studying English now
b) Are you studying English now
c) They study English
d) He Studies English

8- A alternativa correta na forma afirmativa de Past Continuous *
a) I was studying English yesterday
b) Were you studying English on Sunday
c) They study English
d) He Studies English

9- A alternativa correta na forma afirmativa de Simple Present *
a) I am studying English now
b) Are you studying English now
c) She study English
d) He Studies English on Saturday

10- A alternativa correta na forma negativa de Simple Present *
a) I am not studying English now
b) Are you not studying English now
c) They does not study English everyday
d) He does not study English everyday


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