songs and 5 A day in the life of Caroline Makeba from Nairobi, Kenya's capital city. What's her day

like? Read the text and complete the spaces with the verbs in parentheses. 6a. m. I wake up and wash up. For breakfast, I (have) a cup of chai-tea with milk. Sometimes I (eat) a meat samosa. 7 a. m. My little sister and I (walk) to school. 8 a. m. My classmates and I line up on the playground. We (sing) (read) the Bible 8:30 am. We (have) lessons - math, English, history and geography. My favorite subject (be) English (speak) three languages - Kikuyu, Swahili and English, Swahili (be) hard to learn 10:30 a. m. We (have) our morning break. My friends and leat and then (play) ball or (co) on the swings. After the break, we have more classes, usually French and Art. 12:45 We have our lunch at school. It (be) usually rice, ugali and potato chips. 1:30 p. m. After lunch, we (study) religion. My father is a minister,


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