*Spending time online has become a normal part of our daily lives. But how much is too much?* What

kind of effects does the internet have on our physical and mental state? A new study shows that  excessive time on the internet  can increase a teenager’s risk of  high blood pressure. Research has shown a link between heavy internet usage and  increased health risks  such as internet addiction, anxiety, depression, obesity, and social isolation. Of the 134 teens described as heavy internet users, 26 had unusually high blood pressure. … When it comes to real-life human interaction, we are often too focused on the number of likes and followers to the point of obsession. We are  too preoccupied  with the screens on our devices to pay attention to what’s taking place around us. The internet seems to give us the option to provide us with happiness with  just a click  but often it is short-lived – and the cycle begins again. There are also the harmful effects of cyber-bullying to consider too.
Fonte: https://sossafetymagazine. com/internet-safety/the-effects-on- teens-spending-too-much-time-on-the -internet/

1 — Qual o tema central do texto?
2 — A quem se destina a mensagem do texto?
3 — Comparando-se os dois textos dessa semana, pode-se dizer que eles defendem o mesmo ponto de vista? Justifique sua resposta.
4 — O problema apontado na charge também é identificado no 2º texto? Copie a oração do texto que justifique sua resposta.
5 — Quais outros problemas são apontados no 2º texto?​


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