SPLARING 21 Listen to the Quiz Game Show, fill in the blanks

with words from the box and answer the questions, correct football history country the right round | soccer LINGUA INGLESAWAT Catalina Lopez: Welcome to our Junior High Quiz Show! I'm Catalina Lopez and today our guests are from international English School, Silver Valley Academy and Riverside Junior High Welcome Gus, Nick and Lucas! Here we go to our quiz! The winner gets to visit the refugee support center in the capital Catalina Lopez: Question number one: Where was football, or for Americans, originally created? Catalina Lopez: Yes, Gus! What's your answer? Gus: It was created in England! Catalina Lopez: That's | Question number two: Where was the 2018 World Cup held? Catalina Lopez: Representing Riverside Junior High, go ahead, Lucas! Lucas: It was in Russia! Catalina Lopez: answer! So, we have a tie. One point for International English School and one point for Riverside Junior High. Moving on to the next question, what was a five-time World Cup champion? Catalina Lopez: Yes, Gus? Gus: France was a five-time champion! Catalina Lopez: Sorry, that's wrong. Brazil was a five-time champion. Moving on to the last question in this What country was a four-time Women's World Cup champion? Catalina Lopez: Go ahead, Nick! Nick: It was the U.S.!! I remember that! Catalina Lopez: That's right, Nick!! We have a again, so probably all schools are going to visit the refugee support center!​


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