Sublinhe os presentes simples na música thinking out loud e seventy and baby, my heart could still

Sublinhe os presentes simples na música thinking out loud

e seventy
and baby, my heart could still fall as hard at twenty-three
and i'm thinking about how

people fall in love in mysterious ways
maybe just the touch of a hand
well me, i fall in love with you every single day
i just wanna tell you i am

so honey, now, take me into your loving arms
kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
place your head on my beating heart
i'm thinking out loud
and maybe we found love right where we are

when my hair's all but gone and my memory fades
and the crowds don't remember my name
when my hands don't play the strings the same way
i know you will still love me the same
'cause, honey, your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen
and baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory
and i'm thinking about how

people fall in love in mysterious ways
and maybe it's all part of a plan
well, i'll just keep on making the same mistakes
hoping that you'll understand

so baby, now, take me into your loving arms
kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
place your head on my beating heart
i'm thinking out loud
and maybe we found love right where we are

so baby, now, take me into your loving arms
kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
oh darling, place your head on my beating heart
i'm thinking out loud
that maybe we found love right where we are

oh baby, we found love right where we are
and we found love right where we are

quando suas pernas não funcionarem como antes
e eu não puder te carregar no colo
a sua boca ainda se lembrará do gosto de meu amor?
os seus olhos ainda sorrirão por causa de suas bochechas?
querida, eu te amarei até que tenhamos 70 anos
amor, meu coração ainda se apaixonaria tão intensamente como foi aos 23 anos
estou pensando em como

as pessoas se apaixonam de maneiras misteriosas
talvez apenas com o toque de uma mão
eu, me apaixono por você a cada dia
eu só quero te dizer que eu estou apaixonado

então querida, agora, me abrace amorosamente
beije-me sob a luz de mil estrelas
coloque sua cabeça em meu coração que bate
estou pensando alto
talvez tenhamos achado o amor bem aqui, onde estamos

quando meu cabelo tiver caído e minha memória desaparecer
e as multidões não lembrarem mais do meu nome
quando minhas mãos não tocarem as cordas do mesmo jeito
eu sei que você me amará da mesma forma
porque querida, sua alma nunca envelhece, ela é eterna
e amor, seu sorriso estará sempre em minha mente e memória
e estou pensando em como

as pessoas se apaixonam de maneiras misteriosas
talvez seja tudo parte de um plano
bem, eu continuarei a cometer os mesmos erros
esperando que você entenda

então querida, agora, me abrace amorosamente
beije-me sob a luz de mil estrelas
coloque sua cabeça em meu coração que bate
estou pensando alto
talvez tenhamos achado o amor bem aqui, onde estamos

então querida, agora, me abrace amorosamente
beije-me sob a luz de mil estrelas
oh, querida, coloque sua cabeça em meu coração que bate
estou pensando alto
talvez tenhamos achado o amor bem aqui, onde estamos

oh querida, nós achamos o amor bem aqui, onde estamos
e nós achamos o amor bem aqui, onde estamos

1 Resposta

  • Julliagatinhappank

    When your legs do not work as before
    And I can not carry you on my lap any more
    Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
    Will your eyes still smile on your cheeks?

    Honey, I will love you.
    Until we are 70 years old
    Love, my heart will still fall in love so easy
    How much when we had 23

    I'm thinking how
    People fall in love with mysterious ways
    Maybe just the touch of a hand
    I fall in love with you every day
    I just want to tell you that I'm

    So honey now
    Hold me with your arms of love
    Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
    Put your head in my heart beating
    I'm thinking aloud
    Maybe we found love right here, where we are.

    When my hair stops growing, my memory fails
    And the audience can not remember my name anymore
    And my hands do not touch the strings the same way
    I know you'll love me anyway

    For my dear soul
    Will never grow old
    She is eternal
    Love, your smile will always be in my mind and memory

    I'm thinking how
    People fall in love with mysterious ways
    Maybe it's part of a plan
    I will continue to make the same mistakes
    Hoping you understand

    What, dear, now?
    Hold me with your arms of love
    Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
    Put your head in my heart beating
    I'm thinking aloud
    Maybe we found love right here, where we are.

    Dear now
    Hold me with your arms of love
    Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars (oh, love)
    Put your head in my heart beating
    I'm thinking aloud

    Maybe we found love right here, where we are.
    Maybe we found love right here, where we are.
    And we find love right here, where it's

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