Task 2: Unscramble the questions about last summer . Then answer with your own information: Last summer

Task 2: Unscramble the questions about last summer . Then answer with your own information:

Last summer ?
1. go interesting anywhere you did
A: Did you go anywhere interesting ?

B: Yes, I did. I went to Rio de Janeiro. / No, I didn’t . I just stayed home.
2. buy you did anything interesting
3. games did you any play
4. did eat you foods any new

1 Resposta

  • Felipe

    2. buy you did anything interesting

    A: Did you buy anything interesting?


    3. games did you any play

    A: Did you play any games?


    4. did eat you foods any new

    A: Did you eat any new foods?


    Eu completei o "A", agora o "B" você vai responder as perguntas do "A" que são:

    2: Você comprou algo interessante?

    3: Você jogou algum jogo?

    4: Você comeu alguma comida nova?

    E traduzi-las para o inglês, se precisar de alguma ajuda para isso é só comentar aí em baixo :)

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