Teste de inglês .


1 Resposta

  • Alexandre


    a.My sisters listen to music in the morning.

    b. He takes a shower in the morning.

    c. They dance every night.

    d.She likes juice.

    e.Cats like milk.

    f. He reads two books every month. g.They wash your car very well.


    a. My sisters don't listen to music in the morning.

    b. He doesn't take a shower in the morning.

    c. They don't dance every night.

    d.She doesn't like juice.

    e.Cats don't like milk.

    f. He doesn't read two books every month.

    g.They don't wash your car very well.


    a. Do my sisters listen to music in the morning?

    b. Does he take a shower in the morning?

    c. Do they dance every night.

    d. Does she like juice.

    e. Do cats like milk.

    f. Does he read two books every month. g. Do they wash your car very well.


    Bons, Estudos

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