Try to use the appropriate indefinite pronoun: (tente usar o pronome indefinido correto) – Something

(alguma coisa): usado em frases afirmativas – Anything (alguma coisa): usado em frases negativas ou interrogativas – Nothing (nada) – No one, nobody (ninguém): usado para pessoas – Anyone, anybody (alguém): pode ser usado tanto um quanto o outro, desde que a frase seja negativa ou seja uma pergunta. – Someone, somebody (alguém): em frases afirmativas / pode ser usando tanto um quanto o outro.


a) I have to do with it.
b) She is talking to there to answer the door?
c) Did happened to her? I think she seems really strange.
d) Maria and John are planing because they are talking to We don’t even know.
e) is going on. She didn’t come here for a reason.
f) We have to discuss this issue with because we couldn’t find a solution yet.
g) Does want to buy my old car?
h) came to the class today, I guess because it’s been raining all day.
i) I didnt see yesterday.
j) I saw when i was driving home.
k) The teache didn’t do to make the situation better.
l) strange is happening to her.
m) has to stop them. They are being very rude.
n) Are the girls doing tonight?


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