V. Complete the sentences. Use the present simple of the verbs in brackets. 1. A: either of the twins good

swimmers? (be)
B: Yes, both of them excellent swimmers, (be)
2. A: Which newspaper would you like to read?
B: The Times or the Guardian. Either fine, thanks.(be)
3. A: every child ... a prize? (get)
B: No, but each child who takes part a small gift. (get)
4. A: Who each person in the team responsible to? (be)
B: Everyone to the Sales Manager. (report)
5. A: Where all the money I gave you? (be)
B: Half of it still in my bank account. (be) 6. A: all of the things I asked you to get in the kitchen? (be)
B: Yes. I put them away for you.

1 Resposta

  • mariaeduardadeolivei

    1. A: Are either of the twins good swimmers? (be)

    B: Yes, both of them are excellent swimmers, (be)

    2. A: Which newspaper would you like to read?

    B: The Times or the Guardian. Either is fine, thanks.(be)

    3. A: Does every child get a prize? (get)

    B: No, but each child who takes part gets a small gift. (get)

    4. A: Who is each person in the team responsible to? (be)

    B: Everyone reports to the Sales Manager. (report)

    5. A: Where is all the money I gave you? (be)

    B: Half of it is still in my bank account. (be)  

    6. A: Are all of the things I asked you to get in the kitchen? (be)

    B: Yes. I put them away for you.


    No present simple o verbo "to be" possui três formas: am / is / are - variando conforme o sujeito da frase em questão. No geral, vale lembrar que "is" é singular e "are" é plural :)

    I am

    You are

    He/ She is

    We / They are

    Já os outros verbos como "report" e "get" recebem a letra S quando são terceira pessoal do singular (he she) e também em "either" (qualquer), "who" (quem) e "everyone" (todo mundo).

    Espero ter ajudado!

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