V-Fil in using the past tense of the verbs in parentheses. (ODS lembre-se: verbos regulares - verificar a

V-Fil in using the past tense of the verbs in parentheses. (ODS
lembre-se: verbos regulares - verificar a ortografia; verbos irregulares-
a usar o
consultar a lista de verbog fras
car a lista de verbos; frases interrogativas e negativas tem que usar
auxiliar"did" e o verbo principe
ide o verbo principal no infinitivo sem "to". Se precisar volte
paginas anteriores onde tem a explicação com exemplos.)
1. )
for 12 hours. (sleep)
2. Bob
that movie the day before yesterday. (see)
3. Fred and Joe
at the beach yesterday. (be)
4. My mother
me a beautiful story last night. (tell)
your friends last weekend. (visit)
6. We
the car yesterday. (not wash)
7. My neighbors
last vacation. (not travel)
a new house? (buy)
9. When
__? It
last Sunday.
to the zoo two weeks ago? (go)
the exercises this morning. (not do)
11. We
12. The baby
a lot last night. (cry)

1 Resposta

  • TonyWeber

    They went to the beach last weekend.


    go é um verbo irregular, sendo went sua forma no simple past, e gone sua forma no participle.

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