VIRUSES What are viruses? Viruses are very small particles that can infect animals and plants and

make them sick. Viruses are made up of genetic materials like DNA and are protected by a coating of protein. Viruses hijack the cells of living organisms. They inject their genetic material right into the cell and take over. They then use the cell to make more viruses and take over more cells.

Are viruses alive?
Scientists differ on whether viruses are actually alive or not. Many people say they are non-living because they cannot reproduce without the aid of a host. Viruses also do not metabolize food into energy or have organized cells, which are usually characteristics of living things,

Characteristics of Viruses
They do not have an organized cell structure. They have no cell nucleus, They typically have one or two strands of DNA or RNA, They are covered with a protective coat of protein called the CAPSID. They are inactive when not inside a living cell, but are active when inside another living cell.

De acordo com as informações contidas no texto, avalie as afirmações a seguir.

I. Os virus são capazes de realizar tarefas como transformar seu próprio alimento em energia.

II. Os virus podem permanecer ativos mesmo fora de uma célula viva.

III. Os virus utilizam uma célula para produzir novos vírus,

IV. Os virus são revestidos por uma capa de proteina,

E correto o que se afirma em:

I, apenas
ll e lV, apenas
lll e lV, apenas
l, ll e lll apenas
l, ll, lll e lV

1 Resposta

  • Alice

    lll e lV, apenas


    I. Os virus são capazes de realizar tarefas como transformar seu próprio alimento em energia. Errada

    Viruses also do not metabolize food into energy or have organized cells.

    II. Os virus podem permanecer ativos mesmo fora de uma célula viva. Errada

    They are inactive when not inside a living cell, but are active when inside another living cell.

    III. Os virus utilizam uma célula para produzir novos vírus - Certa

    They then use the cell to make more viruses and take over more cells.

    IV. Os virus são revestidos por uma capa de proteina - Certa

    They are covered with a protective coat of protein called the CAPSID.

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