We think we aren't going to have lunch after this delicI'm going to eat before my sisters finish all

We think we aren't going to have lunch after this delic
I'm going to eat before my sisters finish all the cakes...
2. Answer the question about the text.
a) What is mom doing?
b) What day is today?
c) Are they having lunch?
d) Are they having breakfast together?
e) Are there a few cakes?
1) What is the girl going to eat?
g) Que dia da semana aparece no texto? Mark below
a. Sábado e Domingo
c. Segunda
3. What is the girl going to eat? (O que a garota val
a) She is going to eat breakfast. c)She is going to eat a piece of cake
d) She is going to drink milk ​

1 Resposta

  • Sabrinabrandao

    1 - Ele se sente incomodado com a quantidade de segundas-feiras que existem no mês.

    2 - Está pensando consigo mesmo.

    3 - Negativa. Im not = Eu não sou/estou.

    4 - Que ele não é uma pessoa da manhã! Não gosta de manhãs.

    5 - Monday = Segunda-feira

    Espero ter ajudado!! ❤️
    (Caso as respostas tenham que ser em inglês, use o google tradutor para traduzir as minhas respostas!!)

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